7 Best Mobile App Marketing Strategies for Startups to Succeed

Thousands of mobile apps are developing every year, but only a few of them get a chance to land in the top 10 in Play Store. But, what can be the reason? It’s effective mobile app marketing strategies and techniques that help them to rank well in the Play Store. 

According to Statista.com, approx 88.5 thousand mobile apps are release through the Google Play Store in Feb 2021.  

marketing business concept using mobile app
marketing business concept using mobile app

It is necessary that you should think of boosting your app marketing game while focusing on your mobile app development. 

When you are planning to develop an app for your business, you are not sure about it whether it will succeed or not. In this scenario, the best mobile app marketing strategies can help your business to succeed. Approach the app marketing company to follow the best marketing strategies for your app. 

In this blog, we will be talking about mobile app development and the best mobile app marketing strategies for startups to succeed. 

Mobile App Marketing Strategies For Startup To Succeed

marketing strategy brainstorming
marketing strategy brainstorming

i) Know Your Target Audience

One of the important and the first step you should start with is to know your target audience. Research well for your niche, analyze your competitor and know who is your targeted audience. Your customers are the core elements of your business; thus, knowing your customers is essential. You should know the purpose of developing an app for your business. You should know their age, their browsing habits, and their interests.

ii) Research Your Competitors 

You are not a single player in your niche. There are a thousand competitors in the market, and you should do research well to know your competitors. What actually they are doing to perform well in their business. Doing well-research will help you to know about their technique, the kind of work, they do, and what are the mistakes they have made so that you don’t repeat the business. Always remember that knowing the market is not just enough.  

iii) Do Pre-Launch Marketing

Performing app marketing before launch can give you a head start. You should consider an app marketing strategy after launching your products. The app store is full of crowded and high competition, and to grow your user base and stand out from other competitors, and you need to start promoting your startup app before the launch. 

iv) App Store Optimization (ASO)

According to the study, more than half of the users find and download apps while surfing the app stores. Creating a useful store page is significant and plays an important role in your startup app marketing. You should try to optimize your app store by feeding descriptive titles, detailed descriptions, appealing and attractive icons, using keywords wisely, and high-quality screenshots that can make your app stand out from the crowd. 

Avail app marketing service to get your app optimized in the Play Store, and it should rank well so that users can download your app from the top of the list. 

v) Incorporate Reviews

Are you still confused about choosing your favorite app? Are you checking out the reviews? Most of the users download an app from Play Store by reading the reviews of other users. Reviews are the critical part of the app marketing process, so ensure to reach out to the customers and reviewers to get your app reviewed. Incorporating reviews will help to build trust among potential customers. 

vi) Enable Push Notifications

Integrating Push Notifications is one of the best mobile app promotion strategies to keep your app at the forefront of users minds and boost customer engagement. Using push notifications with an opt-in message, leveraging personalized content, availing app updates, and many more, you can keep your user engaged from time to time. 

In today’s market, we have seen all the apps coming up with push notifications. This is helping both customers and businesses to grow tremendously. Customers are getting timely updates about products, app updates, and sometimes special offers for them. On the other hand, businesses can scale their business in terms of sales and business growth. 

vii) Monitor App Performance

Your work isn’t over once you launch your app. Regular monitoring of an app will help you fix any bugs faced by your users. You can track your app performance and how it is performing. Track the user’s activity, review the user’s feedback, and according to that, you can work on the drawback. This will not only help you in making a good relationship with your users, but will also boost your business. 

The number of app users is increasing, and hence there is a massive growth in mobile app marketing. The success of a mobile app startup depends on the marketing strategy you follow. The above app marketing strategies will help you succeed in your startups.