How to Make Reddit links Open in a New Tab

Reddit is a social media content aggregator website with several million users daily. As a result, there are several million posts to choose from, leading to being spoiled with choices. One of the ways to address this challenge is to have various posts open on different tabs. However, you need to be able to do that before you can leverage the feature. 

Opening links in a new tab 

There are several ways to open links in a new tab on Reddit, especially on the desktop version. Naturally, you can do the same by leveraging your mouse or touchpad functionalities, but this article will discuss how you can replicate it without those functionalities. 

New desktop website

You need to change your settings to that effect to have Reddit links open on a different tab on the Reddit desktop website. The first step is to locate the dropdown icon at the top right corner of the screen, next to your username icon. Clicking on the dropdown will reveal a series of links, including your “online status,” your profile, and a link to your avatar. Below these links is the “user settings” link. 

Clicking on user settings will take you to a page with multiple options, including “account,” “profile,” “safety and privacy,” “feed settings,” “notifications,” “subscriptions,” and “chat and messaging.” Ideally, you will arrive at the “account” section. Click on “feed settings” to access its contents and scroll down till you find “Open posts in new tab.” Click on the toggle next to it to activate the function on the desktop browser. 

Old desktop website

If you use the old Reddit, you can enable NSFW posts by clicking on “preferences” at the top right corner of your screen.

Once the page loads, the option is one of the first you will see on the page. Alternatively, search for “clicking options” and check the box next to it. 

Mobile website

The functionality is absent on the mobile website version of Reddit. However, if you are using your mobile device to enjoy Reddit, you can still enable the functionality by enabling the desktop website on your mobile browser. 

To request the desktop version, click on the three-line icon on the top right corner of your screen. It will reveal a panel that discloses your user name, link to your inbox, coins, premium, powerups, and your communities. Under these, you will find “settings.” Clicking on this will subsequently reveal a dropdown, including “dark mode,” “ask to open app,” “language,” and “request desktop site.” Clicking on “request desktop site” will subsequently redirect you to the desktop version of the old Reddit.

Mobile apps

While the functionality is not exactly available on mobile apps, you can activate something similar. This is as regards opening external links on the apps. As such, you can select whether you want the external links to open in-app or via a default external browser. This helps you choose where to view external links. 

To activate this functionality, click your image icon at the top right corner of the screen. This will reveal a panel that displays “my profile,” “create a community,” and others. Click on “Settings” at the bottom of the panel.

After clicking on “settings,” scroll to the “advanced” category and search for “open links.” Click on the arrow next to it to select either a default browser or in-app.

Using your mouse

You can also use your mouse or touchpad to achieve the same effect. For example, if you use a mouse, simply hover on the link you want to open in another tab and click on the middle or wheel button, whichever is available on your mouse. 

If you use a touchpad instead, simply right-click the link you intend to open and select “open in new tab” to open that link on a different tab. 

Furthermore, if you want to open the new tab while remaining on the current tab, you can perform the same steps for a mouse or a touchpad. Simply hold the CTRL key and right-click on the link you want to open in a new tab. You can do this repeatedly until you have opened the necessary number of tabs and are ready to start browsing through them.

Opening too many tabs on your browser

Opening too many Reddit tabs may strain your computer’s CPU, as every tab you open in your web browser uses up some of your computer’s memory. Because of this, opening more tabs directly causes your browser to consume even more RAM. This is why opening several Reddit tabs may lead to performance issues, causing your system to freeze or crash.

You can assess how much percentage of your computer’s CPU and RAM a web browser consumes through the Task Manager. Nevertheless, the number of tabs that you can leave open on your PC depends on several factors: 

Your computer’s hardware

Naturally, a system with 4 GB of RAM has less performance relative to a computer with about 8 GB or 16 GB of RAM. However, there are different factors also responsible for a computer’s performance. Computers with more RAM can offer better resources to web browsers than those with less RAM. As such, if your computer does not have much RAM, say 4 GB, you may experience performance issues if you open multiple Reddit tabs.

The web page’s graphics

Some websites have heavy graphics. This makes such websites need more power from a computer. Opening – and keeping such website tabs open – will effect more strain on your PC, which may cause you to experience significant performance issues. While Reddit webpages do not typically have heavy graphics, keeping tabs of webpages like Google Maps and Google Earth open may significantly affect your experience with the multiple Reddit tabs you may want to open. 

Nevertheless, keeping several Reddit tabs open may not affect your system’s performance if your web browser comes with a sleeping tab feature. Alternatively, if your web browser does not include this feature, you should only open a limited number of Reddit tabs to avoid facing performance issues with your PC.