How to Build a Web Scraper in 5 Minutes (Or Less)

Okay, so you want to build a web scraper. Well, here at, we know a lot about building web scrapers.

Notifier is obviously a social listening tool that listens to all of Reddit, as well as a bunch of other sites including Google search. It notifies you when keywords you’re searching for are mentioned.

Through our experience with Notifier, we’ve also created a new tool called URL to Text. It’s a free tool that makes it easy to extract just clean text – and only the clean text you want – from any website.

While it’s free to use for basic needs, we also offer an API for more advanced power users, and that API is live now. But before we dive into these tools, let’s talk about building a simple web scraper yourself.

Why You Shouldn’t Build Your Own Web Scraper

Now, I want to stress the fact that we do not recommend building your own web scraper. Not at all. And this is actually something I had to learn the hard way back in the day. Originally, I was doing all the web scraping for Notifier with our own custom code until I moved to a robust data provider that does it for us.

And so, what I’m saying is, don’t try to build your own web scraper. Use a tool like URL to Text to do it for you. Web scraping at scale is incredibly difficult, so incredibly difficult, that it’s best to rely on an API to do it for you.

Building a Simple Web Scraper

That being said, if you want to learn how to do it, or if you have something simple, it could be easy to just write your own scraper. And here’s how you can do it.

I highly recommend using Python. Some people say to use JavaScript for this, but I do not recommend JavaScript at all.

Python has so many great tools for doing this, including the amazing library called BeautifulSoup.

Now, in essence, what you need to do is we are going to use Python’s requests library and BeautifulSoup in order to make a request to a website, get the output of that. We’re going to parse the HTML with BeautifulSoup and just extract the relevant text that we care about.


  1. An IDE: These days, I highly recommend Cursor. If you’re not using Cursor, then you should darn well go download it right now, because Cursor is amazing. It’s a fork of Visual Studio Code. And it makes it so easy to write code.
  2. Python environment: Go to, download it, install it on your machine, and then you can verify it’s installed with Python –version.

Installing Python

  • On Linux: Most distributions come with Python pre-installed. If not, use your package manager (e.g., apt-get install python3 for Ubuntu).
  • On Mac: Download the installer from or use Homebrew (brew install python).
  • On Windows: Download the installer from and run it, making sure to check “Add Python to PATH” during installation.

Creating a Virtual Environment

It’s always highly recommended that for each project you create a virtual environment. You can use Cursor’s built-in terminal for this. Here’s how:

  1. Open your project folder in Cursor.
  2. Open the terminal in Cursor.
  3. Run: python3 -m venv scraper_env
  4. Activate the environment:
    • On Windows: scraper_env\Scripts\activate
    • On Mac/Linux: source scraper_env/bin/activate

Writing the Web Scraper

Now, let’s write some basic Python code to scrape a website:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# Make a request to the website
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)

# Parse the HTML content
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')

# Extract and print the text from the page

# Find specific elements
title = soup.find('title').text
headings = soup.find_all('h1')
links = soup.find_all('a')

print(f"Title: {title}")
print("Headings:", [h.text for h in headings])
print("Links:", [l.get('href') for l in links])

Code Explanation

Let’s break this down line by line:

1-2. We import the necessary libraries: requests for making HTTP requests and BeautifulSoup from bs4 for parsing HTML.

4-5. We define the URL we want to scrape and use requests.get(url) to fetch the webpage. This returns a response object.

  1. We create a BeautifulSoup object by passing in the content of the response and specifying the HTML parser to use.
  2. soup.get_text() extracts all the text from the HTML, stripping away the tags. We print this to see all the text content.
  3. soup.find('title') finds the first <title> tag in the HTML. We then access its text content with .text.
  4. soup.find_all('h1') finds all <h1> tags in the HTML. This returns a list of all matching elements.
  5. Similarly, soup.find_all('a') finds all <a> (link) tags in the HTML.

18-20. We print out the results. For the headings and links, we use list comprehensions to extract just the text of the headings and the ‘href’ attribute of the links.

Why Web Scraping at Scale is So Difficult

Web scraping at scale presents numerous challenges that make it a complex endeavor:

  1. IP Blocking: Websites often block or limit requests from a single IP address to prevent excessive scraping. This means you need to rotate through multiple IP addresses or use proxy servers.
  2. CAPTCHAs and Anti-Bot Measures: Many sites implement CAPTCHAs or other anti-bot measures to prevent automated access, which can be difficult to bypass programmatically.
  3. Changing Website Structures: Websites frequently update their HTML structure, breaking scrapers that rely on specific tags or classes. Maintaining scrapers requires constant vigilance and updates.
  4. Rate Limiting: To prevent server overload, websites may implement rate limiting, restricting the number of requests you can make in a given time period.
  5. Legal and Ethical Considerations: Large-scale scraping can violate terms of service or even legal regulations, especially when dealing with personal data.
  6. Data Volume and Storage: Scraping at scale generates massive amounts of data, requiring robust storage and processing infrastructure.
  7. Handling Dynamic Content: Many modern websites load content dynamically using JavaScript, which simple scrapers can’t handle without additional tools like headless browsers.
  8. Scalability and Performance: Writing scrapers that can efficiently handle millions of pages while managing errors and retries is a significant engineering challenge.

Given these complexities, it’s often more efficient and reliable to use a dedicated API service for web scraping at scale. provides a robust solution that handles these challenges, allowing you to focus on using the data rather than struggling with the intricacies of large-scale web scraping.


While building a simple web scraper can be a great learning experience, tackling web scraping at scale is a whole different ball game.

For anything beyond basic scraping needs, it’s usually better to rely on specialized services like URL to Text.

These APIs not only handle the technical challenges but also ensure that your scraping activities remain ethical and compliant with web standards and regulations.

Remember, the goal is to get the data you need efficiently and reliably. Sometimes, the best way to do that is to let the experts handle the heavy lifting while you focus on putting that data to good use in your projects.