How to Delete Reddit Accounts

Reddit is a popular social media platform, boasting more than 300 million users. With so many users, it is natural to believe that the platform is replete with exciting and engaging content that attracts users. However, there may also be users who want to delete their Reddit accounts for different reasons. This article explains how you can delete your Reddit account.

Deleting your Reddit account

You can delete your Reddit account across the different internet platforms you enjoy Reddit on. Here are the steps for the platforms:

Web browser

To delete your Reddit account via Reddit’s desktop website, the first step is to locate the dropdown icon next to your username icon at the top right corner of the screen. Clicking on the dropdown will reveal a series of links, including your “online status,” your profile, and a link to your avatar. Below these links is the “user settings” link. 

Below these links is the “user settings” link. Clicking on user settings will take you to a page with multiple options, including “account,” “profile,” “safety and privacy,” “feed settings,” “notifications,” “subscriptions,” and “chat and messaging.” Ideally, you will arrive at the “account” section. However, you can simply click on it if you do not come there. 

When you get to the account section, scroll to the bottom of the page, and you will find the option to delete your Reddit account at the bottom centre of your screen. Click on it to delete the account. 

Old web design

You can also delete your Reddit account on the old Reddit website version. You start by selecting “Preferences” at the top-right corner of your screen. The window you arrive at will have several options at the top, including “option,” “apps,” “RSS,” “feeds,” “friends,” “blocked,” “password/email,” and “delete.” 

Select delete to go to the relevant section. Here, you can delete your Reddit account. Reddit will ask to verify your identity to ensure that a third party is not carrying out the act. You will also check a confirmation box confirming that you know the action you intend to perform is not reversible.

Mobile app

On the Reddit mobile app, you can delete your account by clicking your image icon at the top right corner of the screen to begin. This will reveal a panel that displays “my profile,” “create a community,” and others. Click on “Settings” at the bottom of the panel.

Under settings, simply scroll to the bottom of the page, and you will find the option to delete your Reddit account. Reddit will inquire if you want to delete your account, explaining that the action is irreversible. Simply click on delete to delete your account. 

Mobile website

To delete your Reddit account on the mobile website, click on the three-line icon on the top right corner of your screen. It will reveal a panel that discloses your user name, link to your inbox, coins, premium, powerups, and your communities. Under these, you will find “settings.” Clicking on this will subsequently reveal a dropdown, including “dark mode,” “ask to open app,” “language,” and “request desktop site.”

Clicking on account settings will take you to a page with multiple options, including “account,” “profile,” “safety and privacy,” “feed settings,” “notifications,” “subscriptions,” and “chat and messaging.” Ideally, you will arrive at the “account” section. However, you can simply click on it if you do not come there.

 When you get to the account section, scroll to the bottom of the page, and you will find the option to delete your Reddit account at the bottom centre of your screen. Click on it to delete the account.

General considerations before deleting your account

Deleting your Reddit account does not delete your posts and comments. As a result, If your comments or posts contain your personal information, they will remain on Reddit despite deleting your account. Instead, you may have to individually delete your posts and comments on the platform to ensure your data does not persist after you delete the app. 

How to delete Reddit posts

To delete a post, search for the post you want to delete. The easiest way to do this is to visit your profile, as it itemizes all the posts you have made on the platform. To go to your profile, locate the dropdown icon next to your username icon at the top right corner of the screen. Clicking on the dropdown will reveal a series of links, including your “online status,” your “profile”, and a link to your avatar. Select “Your profile.”

Your profile sorts your activity on the platform into “Overview,” “Posts,” “Comments,” “Saved,” “Hidden,” “Upvoted,” “Downvoted,” “Awards Received,” And “Awards Given.” For ease, navigate to “Posts” and search for the posts you want to delete. Once you find the post in question, simply look at the options below the post. However, you need to click on the three-line icon after options like the comment numbers, “Award,” “Share,” and “Save.” Clicking on the icon will reveal several more options, including “delete”. Click on delete to delete the post. 

On the mobile app, the steps are similar. Go to your profile by clicking on the profile icon at the top right corner of your screen. After that, click on the “My Profile” option.

When you navigate to the posts section of your profile, search for the post you want to delete. After finding it, click on the three-dot icon at the top-left corner right above the post. This will reveal a new window with several options, including “Share,” “Save,” “Copy text,” etc. Find “Delete post” below “hide” and click on it to delete the post.

You can also delete your posts on the old Reddit website through your profile. Locate your username at the top right corner of your screen and click on it to get to your Reddit profile. Unlike the new desktop design, the old website does not distinguish your posts from the overview, so you have to delete your posts from the overview section.

Locate the relevant post from the overview. You will find the option to delete underneath the post, among the other options in the same place. Click on it to delete the post.